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Indigenous Community Television


ICTV delivers cultural and community video content to remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities around Australia, and beyond: enabling the sharing of cultural stories, song and dance, language and essential information through two accessible platforms – a television service and an on-demand internet-based service. They also produce, and support the production of, video content in remote communities.

  • 'The vision of ICTV is to strengthen culture and community through the power of moving-image. Our purpose is to improve the lives of Indigenous Australians, especially those living in remote areas, through access to cultural and community video content.'
    Their values include:
    - 'Authenticity – The importance to all Australians of keeping Indigenous languages and culture alive.
    - Autonomy - Allowing Indigenous people in remote communities to create their own media, speak for themselves and contribute to their own future.
    - Innovation - Using up-to-date technology to re- share media with each other.'